How quickly do I start learning?
You as the student decide mostly how quickly your sessions will take place. Just go to our Contact Us page and call us in order to gather the most information in the quickest manner. If you would prefer however, then you may either email us or you may send us a completed form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Where will my lessons take place?
As the student, you will decide where the tutoring takes place (within reason). Good locations are usually places that have WiFi access so the tutor can look up any information that may be necessary to aid you in the quickest manner possible. Most students/parents prefer for the tutor to come teach them/their child in their own home.
How do I set up the lessons?
Once you contact us we will set you up with a suitable tutor depending on the subject needed and the availability of the tutors in that subject area. At that point, you will be able to schedule things with your tutor personally. If the subject is more common, then you may be able to choose between a few tutors in your price range.
How much do the tutors charge?
The cost of tutoring varies depending on the subject and the education level and experience of the tutor. We like to treat our tutors well and pay them according to their abilities as much as possible. The minimum hourly amount for one of our tutors is $20/hr. because we simply do not use inexperienced tutors. Even the youngest and least experienced tutor will be required to have some previous tutoring experience. Of course we plan/like to train our own tutors by hiring our old students, but even they will be required to do some volunteering, side work, or tag-along tutoring sessions in order to prove that they are ready to do the job right.
How will I pay my tutor?
We either except cash or credit/debit cards. When your tutor comes you will either have the right amount of cash, or you will have a credit/debit card handy.
If I am a prospective tutor, then how will all of this work?
We enjoy taking care of our people. Because we are a relatively new company though, you will work as a contracted tutor, and will not be an actual employee of the company. We will still pay you well and ensure that you are happy and willing to keep working for us. In the future, once the business expands, we plan on offering our steadfast, who are more successful by their hourly dedication to the company, employees perks or benefits such as help paying for health insurance. For student employees, we are hoping that there will be opportunities such as funding for books or school supplies.